Saturday, January 12, 2008


Dear Madelyn,

I empathize with you. I have seen many people suffer from fibromyalgia for I have treated many fibromyalgia patients in my clinic. The best advice I often give to patients with fibromyalgia is the real cure come from knowledge. Empower yourself with knowledge, and you will find a cure. First, I recommend that you understand the concept of pain. Why are we created to experience pain? What is pain? What causes pain? Seek and you will find. There are so many treatments for pain (e.g. drugs, therapy, herbs, nutrition, etc.). If you start with treatments, different experts will tell you a different thing; you will be more likely to get lost. First, seek the truth, the right treatments will follow.

My patients often ask me, "why don't you just give me the answer?" I say that the answer have to be derived from you for you to believe it. The problem is, when the patients don't know the truth about pain, they often seek the wrong treatments. Even if they found the right treatments they may give up on treatments as a whole because they have been discouraged and already lost hope. Patients with chronic pain often ask, "are you sure this treatments are going to help me?" I understand their doubts and how many disappointments they already went through, being through so many treatments and different expert opinions. Finding the truth yourself will give you that purpose and that aim that you need to continue living and find a cure. Search the Internet; the answer is out there.

If you have no idea where to start, here are a few tips: Pain is caused by mental, chemical, physical, or a combination of them or a vicious cycle of all three. It's almost like what come first the chicken or the egg. Find that trigger.

You may want to read more about fibromyalgia from my website:

Also read this book: Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection by John E. Sarno MD

Madelyn, keep me posted how you are doing with your search. You may contact me for further guidance. Good luck and God bless!

Dan Diep, D.C.


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