Monday, January 24, 2011

The Increasing Threat of Syndemics and the Role of Chiropractic Care

The Increasing Threat of Syndemics and the Role of Chiropractic Care

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Healing Comes from Within

Q: Does broken skin heal by itself?
A: Yes

Q: Does broken bone heal by itself?
A: Yes

Q: Does a cold/flu heal by itself?
A: Yes

Q: Does the body heals itself?
A: Yes. The body has the ability to heal itself. This is an inborn Healing Force or Innate Intelligent. Everyone who is alive has it.

Q: Why are there dis-ease, symptoms, sickness?
A: Our bodies are bombarded with daily stress factors such as mental stress (e.g. finance, relationship problems, etc.), chemical stress (e.g. toxins, genetic, poor nutrition, etc.) and physical stress (e.g. clogging artery, poor posture, heavy lifting, etc.). When the stress factors are too much at one time or accumulated over time, they overwhelm our body's healing system. For example, let assume that your healing potential is at a 5, and your stressors are at a 10, there will be a negative 5. Let assume your healing potential is at a 5, and you have lowered your stressors to a 3, there will be a positive 2. This is why some people in the office don't catch a cold while others do. And those who did catch a cold, some heal faster while others take much longer to heal, assuming it's the same strain of cold virus.

Q: How can we increase our healing potential?
A: Remove interferences! These mental, chemical, physical stressors interfere the body healing potential. It only makes sense to remove interferences. Let imagine your computer is downloading a big 1 gig file and you also want to surf the web, run movie clips, and video game, does your computer runs faster or slower with all these stressors? Have you notice that sometimes the computer even freeze when too many programs run at the same time. If you are to close all these programs and only surf the web, will your computer runs faster or slower? Stressors slow us down, or even shut down the healing potential. Identify and remove these stressors, allow us to function optimally.

Q: Can mental stress manifest itself into chemical or physical stresses and vice versa?
A: You bet it does. Assume you are very angry right now because someone accused you of something major wrong doing, does your blood pressure (chemical reaction) goes up or down? how about your breathing (physical)? Does your muscles tension (physical reaction) goes up or down? Assume that you have angry and upsetting thoughts everyday, does your blood pressure up everyday? muscle tense up everyday? Does increase in your muscle tension causing you pain, increase or decrease your mental stress factor? and how does that make your blood pressure change, up or down? When you notice your blood pressure went up high, does it make you more worry or less? and how does that make your muscle tension feel? better or worse? Eventually, the line is blurred between the stressors. Sometimes, if we are not careful, a vicious cycle where physical, mental, and chemical stressors feeding on each other, creating a perfect storm, overload our healing system to cope and may even shut it down.

Q: What happens when our healing system is overloaded or shut down?
A: Like your frozen computer, it's not functioning; no new program can be started. Assume that your healing system is already overloaded, and you were introduced to a new stressor (e.g. a cold virus), do you think your body will heal itself faster or slower? Have you notice that in some people it takes so slow, month and months to heal (e.g. chronic conditions)

Q: What should we do now?
A: First, try to introduce positive stressors (a fun puzzle, happy thoughts, good diet, exercise) into your life. Second, identify all negative stressors you already have and start to find tools coping skills, exercise, etc. to get rid of them. Once you are able to get rid of and unload all these stressors, your body's healing potential increases. You may feel healthier, heal faster, happier, look better too.

To find out more about wellness, you may visit my website: Read the Wellness vs. Medical Care for your enjoyment. Until next time, may God Bless you daily and bring you more knowledge, wisdom and health.

Dan Diep, D.C.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Dear Madelyn,

I empathize with you. I have seen many people suffer from fibromyalgia for I have treated many fibromyalgia patients in my clinic. The best advice I often give to patients with fibromyalgia is the real cure come from knowledge. Empower yourself with knowledge, and you will find a cure. First, I recommend that you understand the concept of pain. Why are we created to experience pain? What is pain? What causes pain? Seek and you will find. There are so many treatments for pain (e.g. drugs, therapy, herbs, nutrition, etc.). If you start with treatments, different experts will tell you a different thing; you will be more likely to get lost. First, seek the truth, the right treatments will follow.

My patients often ask me, "why don't you just give me the answer?" I say that the answer have to be derived from you for you to believe it. The problem is, when the patients don't know the truth about pain, they often seek the wrong treatments. Even if they found the right treatments they may give up on treatments as a whole because they have been discouraged and already lost hope. Patients with chronic pain often ask, "are you sure this treatments are going to help me?" I understand their doubts and how many disappointments they already went through, being through so many treatments and different expert opinions. Finding the truth yourself will give you that purpose and that aim that you need to continue living and find a cure. Search the Internet; the answer is out there.

If you have no idea where to start, here are a few tips: Pain is caused by mental, chemical, physical, or a combination of them or a vicious cycle of all three. It's almost like what come first the chicken or the egg. Find that trigger.

You may want to read more about fibromyalgia from my website:

Also read this book: Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection by John E. Sarno MD

Madelyn, keep me posted how you are doing with your search. You may contact me for further guidance. Good luck and God bless!

Dan Diep, D.C.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Easy Steps to a Long and Vital Life

Minimize the Stress…
Before adding more things to our lives we must give thought to shedding some of the workload. Stress is a killer of life and vitality. Find ways to minimize it, whether through relaxation techniques, changing jobs or playing more.

Feed the Mind and Soul …
Many psychological and social factors may either shorten or lengthen our lives. Getting enough sleep, having a sense of humor, developing a spiritual life, building long-term relationships with people, attending cultural events, and owning a pet have all been associated with extending life expectancy.

Don’t Overindulge …
Many times increased vitality can be felt immediately by reducing over-indulgence in alcohol, caffeine beverages, junk food, candy and a heavy, high-fat diet.

Exercise the Body …
For many people, exercising is not fun and it’s hard to exercise consistently with a busy lifestyle. A fitness plan does not have to be elaborate to produce health benefits. Even a daily 30 minute walk has been shown to improve health.

Exercise the Brain …
Staying mentally sharp is just as important as staying physically fit. Challenge the mind with new experiences, such as traveling, reading and being creative.

Eat A Natural Diet With Plenty Of Fruits And Vegetables …
Fresh foods contain higher levels of vitamins than do processed foods.

Have a Purpose In Life …
Long-lived individuals often feel they have a mission or special purpose in life. Never stop learning, working or finding new causes to promote.

Maximize Nerve System Function …
Be sure the life and vitality flowing from the brain through the spinal column and nerve system are free of interference. Clear the interference through chiropractic care for the messages necessary for all organs, tissues, immune and other systems to work properly. Maximum nerve system function helps integrate other important health factors including proper rest, exercise, a nutritious diet and a good mental attitude.